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4 Tips for the Pups and Kitties of Brooklyn to Come Clean this Spring

Spring has sprung. Dog walking in Brooklyn - and everywhere - has become even more joyous. Here are 4 quick tips for your pup and kitty spring cleaning.

Chemical Free for Safe Cleaning, Spring Cleaning for Pets

Keeping your pet area clean is a daily chore for most pet owners. Whether it's scooping the litter box or picking up after walking your dog, cleanliness is part of the daily routine.

But every spring we think about deep cleaning, getting rid of the winter grime and making everything fresh and new again. So what does safe cleaning for pets entail?

Wash the bedding

Chances are your pet has a favorite bed, or two, around the house. As your cat or dog sheds her winter coat, that bedding is probably full of enough fur to make a whole other pet. The pheromones your pet has left on surface may be comforting for him and may leave your home smelling a bit like wet dog. In addition, all that shedding is a prime breeding ground for dust mites and other nastier pests.

The loose fur and dirt left can also be a depository for spring pollen, leaving your pet prone to sneezing and scratching. For the best results, vacuum the area before trying to launder it. This will help get the biggest particles off the bedding and will help protect your washer.

For washing, use VOC (Volitile Organic Compounds) -free alternatives. These to not give off potentially harmful VOCs and have no detergent residue. If you must use laundry detergent, consider using fragrance free options to prevent allergic reactions. Your pet may also turn up his nose at bedding washed in scented laundry products.

Two excellent, effective and safe product lines come from Earth Friendly Products and Seventh Generation.

Collars and harnesses

When you've had your dog out for a winter walk, there's no telling what form of winter grime has made its way under his collar and harness. For non-porous materials, like plastics or coated leather, a topical disinfectant from Earth Friendly, Seventh Generation or a solution of vinegar and water can be a safe way remove potential skin irritants. For cloth collars, cute doggy sweaters and any other fabric that is likely to touch your pet's skin, make sure to launder them in skin-friendly, VOC-free products. Remember that these will lie against your pet's skin for hours, or days, so you need to choose a product that will not irritate your pet.

Deep Vacuuming

This is one many pups won't be too crazy about but deep vacuuming is a necessity actually every few months. Make a deal. If pup won't shed or slough off dander that is highly desireable room and board for mites, you won't use the vacuum. But until then, remind him that it cuts down on the asthema and allergies for everyone, including him.

Water bowls, food dishes

When spring cleaning for your pets, don't forget to wash their food and water dishes. Even if you rinse them out daily, take an extra minute to runt hem through the dishwasher. Just like you, your pet deserves clean and safe dishes.

Spring cleaning that is safe for you pet can be time consuming, but after the ice melt and salt and soot of hard winter, it's nice to make everything clean again. It also prevents spring bugs from finding a home in your pet's belongings. If you need someone to take your dog for a long walk walk or even dayboard while you clean, contact us. We're always here to help.

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